Links to other useful web sites

Note: These links are subject to change

Leadership Related Information:

Donald Clark's Leadership Pages
Good overview and references on matters relating to "Leadership"
Dr. Scott Simmerman's SquareWheels
Can you use square wheels to get leadership driven? Doctor Scott shows you how!
Cool magazine on business, leadership & management related topics

Information for Seniors ('cause I are one!)

Retirement Resourses for Investors
Contains a lot of good information and links for those who are retired or approaching retirement - not just investors!
Ultimate Senior Guide
Contains information for Seniors, those who are retired and/or approaching retirement
A Senior's Guide To Physical and Mental Fitness
Senior Fitness Resources and Brain Boosters submitted by Payton Stevens as a part of her Girl Scout "Good Neigbor Badge"

Training & Development:

Dean Vesling Associates
Would you like to take one of my classes? - ask Gerry Wilhelm at DVA for more information!
Blanchard Training & Development
Leading provider of leadership & teamwork training
Boyd Watkin's Leadership & Teamwork Training Aids
Can your team cross the maze or solve the problem of the pyramid? Use Boyd's innovative training aids to grow leadership and teamwork.
Workshops by Thiagi
A great provider of fun workshops and training materials by Thiagi
From that great innovator, Tom Ollerman
The Training Registry
Find out what "training" is really all about and who can deliver it

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Related Information:

Keirsey Temperament Sorter- Jungian Personality Test
Allows you to take the Kiersey Temperament Sorter on-line.
Association for Psychological Type (APT)
APT is a membership organization for all persons interested in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
Center for Applications of Psychological Type (CAPT)
A non-profit organization housing the Isabel Briggs Myers Memorial Library. Also a publisher of books on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and a provider of training and consulting services.
Consulting Psychologists Press (CPP)
The publisher of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and other psychological instruments.

Online References & Misc Information:

What Religion Are You?
Presents you with belief choices and tries to identify your religion (came close for me!)
Amazing Website!
You can find the truth here in almost 1000 languages!
List of World's Top 100 Websites!
Well at least, that's what this blogger claims!
USA Today
An electronic version of the popular newspaper - excellent sections on topics such as weather, business, etc.
Rule Britannia! - Excellent reference and source of information
On-Line Dictionary, Internet Encyclopedia, & Almanac Reference
Information, please!
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Explanation of various "winds of teaching"
The Jargon File
Jargon explained
Library of Congress Catalog
Covers just about everything
The MAD Scientist Network
Huh?? - Worth a look...
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Thank you Merriam. You too, Webster.
Urban Legends
What's this all about? Have you ever been a victim of a rumour? Check it out!
Skeptic's Dictionary
A collection of articles that provide a skeptic's viewpoint on a wide range of topics. Makes for interesting reading, however, you might be skeptical about some of this stuff!
MapQuest - Interactive U.S. Atlas Maps
Want to know the best way to travel by automobile from point "A" to point "B" anywhere in the United States? This is the place.


"Cool Sites" Links
Links to "cool" sites (of the day, month, year)
Serendip, a playground, including resources and forums, for those who ask questions without boundaries.
News of the Weird
An interesting and amusing collection of news items that can only be described as "weird" (what isn't, these days?!)
The Internet Movie Database
Find out virtually anything about any movie ever filmed. Includes ratings.
Jane Austen Info Page
Are you into the recent rash of movies based on the novels of Jane Austin? If so, this page is for you.

Information on Tucson, my Fair (okay HOT!! ) City:

Welcome to Tucson AZ
Pima Air and Space Museum
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Kitt Peak National Observatory
Old Tucson Studios
World Renown Tucson Gem & Mineral Show
Tohono Chul Park

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